Insights And Updates
Hello all,
Welcome to the Blood, Sweat, Pray Store! This is the official blog site for BSP store. You’ll be updated on the events, happenings, and creative output of this exciting store.
Blood, Sweat, Pray Store had its official opening on Friday July 26, 2024. There was a huge launch campaign set in motion at that time. All the products reflect the interest of customers and are made with high quality materials.
BSP Store leads in community support through the Get 2, Give 1 and 20+PRAYER campaigns. Each of these were started by Alan Lechusza to support local communities and bring attention to the needs of those who are seeking assistance or help.
Be sure to sign-up for the mailing list to remain updated on the upcoming sales and campaigns. Don’t forget to share your photos and testimonials! We want to hear from you.
When you buy an item, you’re changing lives.